Tuesday, July 5, 2011

EX 17 Movement/Motion

Option 2: two examples of navigation

I think the most challenging part of creating this infographic was all the information, the designer had to think about how to separate the content. The designer did this by creating larger, highlighted title texts that sets the topic for the information being presented. The "titles" are in the lines (I think they're supposed to be like pipes--since this infographic is about water), so the topic is separated from other texts because it is highlighted by the text being in the thick lines. The titles I am talking about are the texts that say "Where is all the water," "Access to safe drinking water by region," "How does water get contaminated," etc. The blue and red lines also help with navigating through the graphic because they separate the different subjects into their own sections.  The graphic is read left to right, up down, starting with the infographic title and background on the very left, then navigates to the data starting up at the top middle going down, and then to the right side.

The navigation for this infographic was less clear to me. What was unclear was where I was supposed to look next after the main title "Female Soldiers on the front line..." because of the weight of the information at the bottom of the graphic I was drawn there. Despite being unclear how to navigate, the infographic is symmetrical and balanced. The designer solved the problem of displaying the data by separating each statistic with a title, which the designer highlighted with black and made the text white. They also put extra space between each section.

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