Friday, June 24, 2011

EX 12 Basic Elements - Magazine Design

1. Direction

The direction of the green lines are very explicit. They are diagonal, following along the increase of the horizontal solid white line. The deliberate diagonal direction of the lines are important in the overall stability. Diagonal lines usually are meant to be upsetting or threatening. The diagonal direction is unstable and usually the most provoking. This idea of stability suggested by the direction compliments the subject of the layout--which is about a concern for the rising demand of food and the struggling farmer's trying to meet that demand. The unstable aspect of the diagonal lines parallels with the conflicts of the agriculture-market.

1. Shape

Hudson Magazine is a magazine for shopping and design trends for the home and garden.  They chose circular designs for the cover, made by the the circular flowers and round vases. They created an asymmetrical balance with the flowers- the two smaller ones balance out the larger flower on the left. The think the main attribute gained by the use of the circles would be warmth and endlessness. The warmth aspect especially, since viewers associate warmth with the home.

3. Dimension

The designer uses chiaroscuro, the emphasis of light and shade, to create dimension on the hand. They did this by manipulating the shading at the left side of the icon, creating depth. It gives it an appearance of a 3-dimensional icon. The use of perspective also helps create dimension, the icon on the page is from the perspective of a birds eye view, one can see its depth on it's sides.  I think the purpose of giving this icon depth makes it seem more interactive.

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